05 January 2012

Old Music, New Reviews

So, basically, the whole idea of this ‘blog’, is that I am a self-acclaimed music fan, who actually hasn’t really listened to even nearly enough albums to consider myself a self-acclaimed music fan, and who has therefore decided that, in an age of talent show dustmen and dinnerladies filling the seams of our now rather embarrassing UK charts, it’s probably about time I actually sat down and listened to some ‘new’ albums. And I place ‘new’ in inverted commas because to be honest, these albums aren’t actually ‘new’ in the slightest. They are a concoction of ‘old(er)’ albums that I never got round to listening to properly. And I italicise albums because I am aware of the albums and bands I’m picking to review. I’ll know maybe a handful of facts about it or them, a few of its or their songs, and a decent enough understanding of what it’s about or who they are, but it’s more that I haven’t actually got round to sitting down, plugging in my bit-too-loud speakers or far-too-quiet headphones, and giving these rather renowned (Ctrl+I) albums the full on, full focused and full frontal (I am genuinely quite often naked when I'm listening to these albums first time round… only when I’m in my room though… and on my own… not like, when I’m listening to them on the train or walking down the high street or something...) appreciation that they may or may not deserve.

But the point here is that, though many of you will be more than aware of some/most/all of the albums I’ll hopefully choose to review over the next however long, firstly, I am looking to cover a slight range in genres, so there is a chance that a couple of gems might pop up that you yourself might have accidentally missed out over the years, and in reading my extremely late reviews you could be inspired to quickly sneak off, give the recommended album a quick run through, and then come back and shout at people in the street about how you owned that album long before their father’s slightly perished condom snapped nine months before they popped out and started polluting the earth with their narrow minded lack of appreciation for your all time favourite album!
Secondly, if you did already buy, borrow or steal said album before the whole unplanned pregnancy fiascos of random pedestrians, and it’s already sitting on your CD rack with a thin layer of dust resting atop of it because you wore that badboy out in the yesterdecade, then it might just be quite interesting to see how my fresh little naïve ears have taken to it’s classic-isity (it could be a word).
And thirdly, it just might not do either of those things and you’ll realise that you could be well into a self-pleasure session at this point if you hadn’t stumbled across this piece of shit website.

So, yes, anyway – in order to avoid having to listen to Radio 1’s chart show every Sunday night to try and keep up with what’s going on in the music world, I’ve decided that 2012 should probably be a safe enough year to overlook, and instead I need to stop veering music-based conversations towards early 00's punk rock in order to know what I'm talking about, log into my freshly paid for Spotify account, get naked, and brush up on some albums which I really should have probably listened to a long, long time ago.

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